Al Gharbia is still maintaining its traditional values, culture
and Bedouin origin. It is a unique region for visitors who want
to experience the style of the traditional Arab life.
Al Gharbia is amongst the oldest areas in the Arabian Peninsula,
in which fossils dating 8 million years ago were found. There
are also some oases and arable lands in this barren spot.
Bedouins with their movable houses fastened on huge wheeled
trucks are spread throughout the region along the road to Liwa’s
oasis on the borders with the Empty Quarter region, considered
inspirational to many people. The roads that link the beach to
Liwa’s oasis run through cities rich with wild plants such as
Ghayathi, which is considered a great destination for purchasing
authentic Bedouin gifts made from the unique textiles and manual
crafts, in addition to Madinat Zayed which is considered a
tourist destination.
The Empty Quarter region is one of the most attractive areas
worldwide with its massive and significant desert and unique
calmness. The area is characterized by its superior beauty,
despite the fact that the area is not populated according to the
famous description by “Wilferd Thesger” in 1940s. Until now,
humans could only leave an impact on small parts of the region.
The modern impacts in the region are new luxurious hotels that
have enhanced the number of visitors who come to the area in
order to enjoy the uniqueness of this region and get to know the
cultural and environmental importance of Bedouins and the
methods of maintaining this authenticity.
Al Gharbia maintains its cultural values and provides unlimited
opportunities for visitors, as it reflects the real spirit of
the Arabian Peninsula desert and hosts many events on its lands
for celebrating its rich culture and heritage.